What is Waking State?
I’ve been asked a number of times recently, where did my name come from? What is Waking State? It came to me in a dream. The words appeared in big letter written in my mind, like looking up at the sky. WAKING STATE. And the words resonated with me. So, I looked that phrase up, and found that it is actually a “thing.” A waking state is a calm state of awareness, an effortless state of being and observing. WOW!
How amazing is that?!!
And how true to my way of working. I’ve always known that I do my best, most inciteful, most creative work when I am not forcing or “trying.” Once I am in that state, I am in tune, things flow. Solutions come to me, always in some visual fashion. I’ve learned to keep my stress at bay, because stress takes me away from that state of calm knowing, this waking state.
I love my name and am so grateful that IT found ME!