Working Together in Our Own Bubbles
The wonder of US
Our entire solar system was formed within an enormous bubble, encompassed within seemingly endless space. We could travel the length of our natural lifespans, from one planet to another, and never see another thing cross our paths.
Perhaps even more mind-blowing – at least to me – is that there are vast amounts of space inside of a single atom, between electrons, echoing the dark silence that makes up the majority of galactic space. Electrons, protons, neutrons, interacting with and fueling each other, floating in inner space.
We exist somewhere in between, made up of cells, living in space.
It stands to reason that we, too, live insulated within own individual bubbles. We are each a universe within ourselves. The sun, the stars, the earth, water, air and fire. Billions of miracles roaming this planet.
A cell by itself, however, can only do so much. The billions of cells that comprise us must work together in combined efforts in order for us to BE as we are.
As so many others have iterated, this time, when we are secluded from each other, being at home, seeing more of our families, serves as a reminder to value what is truly important to us. And really, to do what is natural, what we, as products of our universe, are programmed to do. That is, working together. Combining our efforts, sharing our gifts, allows us to grow beyond what any one of us is capable of doing alone.
We need only look to the wonder of ourselves to inspire our efforts.